Have you been advertising for a long time, lowered the price and still not been able to sell your car? Do you have friends or family who are complaining about not being able to sell their vehicle? Heard enough horror stories about craigslist scams?
Consigning through an auto broker is more effective than selling it on your own
1. Suggested Retail Value vs. Private Party Value. Kelly Blue Book distinguishes between those two. We sell your car for you as a dealer, so we’re not expected to go for private party value like you, but for suggested retail value. That is usually $1000 or more above Private Party Value and more than offsets the consignment fee, it also puts you ahead in what you get, plus you don’t have to do any of the work.
2. We can finance the buyer and we have extremely competitive rates. We currently (12-6) have a lender that will do 4.75% for used cars*. When a buyer is torn between your car and a comparable vehicle, that interest rate can be what tips the scales in your favor.
3. We can take the buyer’s trade or consign it for them. Many buyers need the money from their trade to put down.
4. The financing GAP: your buyer needs a loan to buy the car, yet you have to pay off your loan to produce the title. We bridge that gap.
5. Safe Transaction: when you sell a car on your own, you are expected to hand over the title at the time of transaction. These days even money orders or cashier’s checks are not completely safe. We use standard dealer paperwork, so the buyer gets a Buyer’s Order, Bill of Sale, Temporary License Plate etc. but not the actual title. We have ample time to verify funds before we need to send the title to the buyers, so we can make sure that the buyer’s money is good before we send the title.
Because of those reasons we reach a lot of people you don’t have access to. We have a comprehensive advertising and marketing program including Cars.com, Autotrader, Yahoo Autos, Kelly Blue shows your car when folks click on “available cars” when look the blue book value., We also advertise the car in our newsletter and on our website and promote it to other brokers and dealers.
What does it cost?
It pays for itself: while there is a small fee involved, it is far outweighed by the extra money you get for your car with Suggested Retail Value as with Trade Value or Private Party Value.
On top of that you save the hassle of selling the car on your own, or the loss of having to trade it in. On average our customers get at least $1000 more than if they had traded it in.
If you’re not sure whether selling your car makes sense, we can run the numbers for you and provide facts to help you decide.
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