My Check Engine Light is On!
Should I panic when my check engine light comes on?
When your oil light comes on you are in trouble and need to stop immediately, but what is the deal with the check engine light, and is it important to pay attention to it, or is it just another way for dealerships to make money?
The name suggests that something is seriously wrong with your engine, which is meant to scare you into doing something,but your check engine light it is mainly about emissions components. The most simple fix, and a good thing to do first, is to check if your gas cap is on tight. While you’re at it, take a look at the gas cap to make sure it is in good condition, and doesn’t have a crack. Even if it it needs to be replaced, that is an easy fix.
A lot of people ignore this light. We’ve had a client with a Subaru, where in addition to the check engine light the cruise control light came on. The intent of making both lights come on was to make the car owner take this more seriously. In this case both lights went off once the one problem was repaired. Most mechanics can hook up a small computer to your car and get the error codes. They can also check your spark plugs and wires with the initial diagnostic.
Other causes can be a busted oxygen sensor, a problem with the catalytic converter, and with Subarus it is often on the head gasket. Be sure to go to a reputable mechanic (that does not mean you should go to the dealer unless you have free factory warranty). If your mechanic recommends something expensive. you should get a second opinion – always! If the second diagnosis is different from the first, you may want to get a third. We once had a shop insist it was only an oxygen sensor on an early 2000 Subaru and it turned out to be the head gasket. Had we gone to the first shop we would have thrown a few hundred $ away and fixed something that wasn’t broken.