Brokers Save You Money and Time and Get Higher Quality Vehicles
As professional auto brokers, we find quality new and used cars, trucks and SUVs for clients in Denver, Colorado & all across the continental United States. We have over 20 years experience as auto brokers, race car drivers, and professional motorsports journalists and our job is to take the hassle out of the car buying process. We help you chose and find the right vehicle, negotiate the best price and assure the best quality. We do not own inventory that we need to move (push on buyers) and we don’t hire anyone with dealership experience. We custom find the vehicle that is perfect for you.
Some buyers know exactly which vehicle they want and we locate it, but most of our clients come to us just knowing what they want from the vehicle, e.g. good gas mileage, how much passenger seating or cargo room, whether they need AWD or 4WD, automatic or manual, etc, and we help them figure out which vehicles best suit those needs and then locate them. Our approach is very different from old school dealership sales, we don’t tell folks what to do but lay out the pros and cons of the different choices, providing clients with the necessary information so they can make their own informed choices. We guarantee the quoted prices, there is no haggling and no surprising fees.
Our Principal Broker has 20 years of experience in Competition Driving (Race Car Driving), Automotive Consulting, Motorsports Journalism and Motorsports Marketing.
We provide services for clients across the country, our offices are located in Conifer, Colorado and we are licensed through Chatfield Autobody Inc.
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